bat2com.exe Size: 28kb Convert .BAT Files to .COM Files. Size: 1kb Program to "soft" boot your computer. Size: 1 meg Ultra Edit. (sorry notepad users, I've converted to using this a long time ago). Awesome text file editor. Lots of nice fancy features.

unace.exe Size: 33kb Utility to un-compress those .ACE files.

unixdo32.exe Size: 2.5 megs Turn your Dos commands into unix commands. This will load native unix commands on your dos system.

WinPack 32 Size: 1,245,696 Supports ZIP, GZIP, TAR, Lharc, UUENCODE, BINHEX, ARJ, and ZOO. Features include, ability to view any file type within an archive, archive conversion, built-in self-extractor, drag-n-drop, recursive subdirectories, and zip decryption.

Ascii Table Size: 4,529 A TSR Ascii Table

mIRC v5.41 32Bit Size: 921,600 MIRC is an IRC Client for Windows. This is text type chatting. This is also used in IRC Trading of files. Download from IRC Section of this website the effnet list of irc servers and the guide on IRC trading.

Cute-FTP v2.6 32Bit Size: 890,083 Cute-FTP is a FTP Client. Use this to download/upload to FTP Sites.

NetTerm v4.03 Win95 Size: 795,257 NetTerm is a telnet program. Use this to telnet to Internet computers. For Windows 95

Serv-u v2.1 Size: 553,717 This program allows your to setup your computer as a FTP server. Usefull if you plan on trading. Works in 3.x and Windows 95.

WinZip 7.0 32Bit Size: 943,949 Windows program that zips and unzips .ZIP files. Very Handy to have to view .NFO's and .DIZ's without uncompressing the entire .zip file

ARJ Uncompressor Size: 116,260 ARJ Uncompressor for those files that are ARJ'd. Most commonly used with Software releases by groups.

RAR Uncompressor Size: 29,749 Uncompress those .RAR files with this. Commonly used by groups.

Pkunzip Size: 29,378 The One and Only Great DOS zip uncompressor! A Legend!

WareZ Ftp Size: 91089 -=< WaReZ! FTP >=-

CJM-WareZ Size: 180271 CJM-WareZ 32bit FTP v4.0 Beta 2 for Win95/NT

WareZ List Importer Size: 39704 Wyle's Warez Importer For WS_FTP/CuteFtp/WareZFtp

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